Friday, November 21, 2008

Streaming Megavidéo Saliery

Look ... Listen ... To keep silent, - If you have to be dictatorship, it is, but territorially.

pause cafe ' also observed in more detail, everything that directly or indirectly affects our existence, our surroundings, the environment and people who are in daily routine, changes in some, the security or insecurity of others, and crafts shops that open or close the activity, circle of environmental impacts of various local perceive these factors gives us a picture of how he is turning the wheel of our aspirations, desires, plans, future, reality daily. Hear the whispers or screams, tears or laughter, the sound of voices of protest or proposal, marked, hesitant, insecure, happy or sad, the sounds of activity, the voices in the market, offers a wide variety of calls, steps are tired of those who do not see hope, the improbable solutions to those who can not hear the voices of the people. Silent when not years, responses to proposals to make, to give aid, to apply solutions, ideas for solutions, words of dialogue, comfort, encouragement, organization of collective ideals; Chatter to the wind are the daily lives of those who , the other just wants to have, without actually giving something in return, be confused with the word by using it as the ownership of superiority, just to feel superior to others, not listening to what one recites, and by showing a glimpse of the true end of action. For everything that happens today, both individually and collectively, the rise of some of the highest levels, while many more, are coming down the social scale, material and moral, because of other factors to be taken nationally and globally factors do not years of collective choice will, but unscrupulous interpretations of power, both economic and democratic society and to civil, are outlined for the future return to anti-democratic, where the power of one is not balanced by the powers of the company. The pre / power of the pre / constituted by laws and rules of the new legislation, will erase the rights laboriously and painfully, some years before we gained, duties become a burden and a sword of Damocles over the heads of many who believe that they acquire new social values, needs new life, new economic and regional security, will meet up like sheep in a sheepfold, where dogs and fences will prevent freedom of movement, while the shepherds to give toasts at parties and caste. Shows already seen, experienced by others who remember, still lived in other countries, control of the companies when you are not at capacity and honesty of ideas, moral values, to feel responsible for their peers, but to use the company for personal follies of power or prestige, only requires a system of dictatorship, which according to the cultural level of society that wants to dominate, may vary the hardness of action, the transformation of power compliant that inculcating obedience to the laws in society, and eliminating the ability of democratic control, the new laws, favoring the passage of anti-democratic powers, no longer imposed but selected. The history and stories of peoples years clearly showed that, whatever power structure imposed from above, not in a position to control the singularity of both the people of whom the people must govern for local indication of power, the convenience of interpretation varies from territory to territory, the honesty of some act, such as differentiated as opposed to the dishonesty of others, what should be a law for the whole nation, in some areas becomes optional, without subjects (at this level you are no longer citizens, but subjects) may protest the rules or refuse them a disadvantage in comparison with other areas. To overcome all these factors in-congruence there is only one solution: What is the territory federated at the municipal level, giving the right to choose local legislative requirements, the popular assemblies that elect their representatives , which will be subject to the signing of a contract of mutual responsibility and solidarity support, loyalty and respect of laws enacted territorially, but decided not by the central state, which only needs to enact legislation to unity of the Federals. Simplifying with an example, in a condominium building , there is a administrator of the commons (the central state) condos years their elected representatives single by choice and nominal (Legislative Powers) which provide , the appointment of ' administrator, rules and requirements for the building is livable quality and prestige. Then the individual blocks ( territorial administrations) inside their apartments and in the family is self-managing choices of living together, for the smooth running of the family. It is a hypothetical idea that would make the company, controlled by several factors in its social needs in its territorial security in its expenditure and control of them, being all involved in the system that controls and self-control , not having even minimal requirements depend on a central state that is not able to act, because his representative can not be controlled, and simultaneously to the right to legislate to remove controls that prevent his act, even if dishonest. underscores sorry but your PC is not working properly (due to server)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Housing For Pregnant Women In Columbus Oh

If I were a liberal right - cdl - make it in writing this letter al__Cav. Mr. Silvio Berlusconi:

Cav. On . and Prime Minister, His Excellence Silv I Berlusconi Despite his nagging all business, performs for us citizens of our beloved country, I dare to disturb her for a question that may seem minimalist appearance, but in substance and a gravity consequential, both in his own image of our being faithful to her in her work. Let me explain by listing the fact that leads me to dedicate my; few nights ago , following a television broadcast on its network, I halted the transfer of Reservoir Dogs, which I find quite interesting, in some investigations that take place, although sometimes lend themselves to making fun of the bank with our common adversaries. but coming to the point I was saying the transmission, at some point one of these hyenas, some MPs questioned, with general knowledge questions, asking who are or were some people of today everyday life, questions with no simple trick, that even those who do not follow the daily news, constantly updated on its television networks, would be able to respond. Here is the lustrissimo- Cav. Honor. and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, is what leaves me bewildered and confused, the total ignorance of many of our parliamentary political party, our representatives chosen by you. I understand that it is immaterial what may be said in the parliamentary assemblies, it is their duty only vote in favor of everything that his brilliant mind to develop our welfare, and social material, you understand that they have chosen not to their sublime knowledge, but out of loyalty to the person and the party, and I'm sorry the chance, also to avoid too many smart people, would undermine his high thought, placing doubt on its proposals to the government, wisely drawn up by its tireless think; .. ... To Us. I understand and I appreciate the effort that you have to do daily to achieve a high level of representative institutions, both in our concern that all'oppinione before world public opinion. A lot of things right and value to you already, things that never stop to thank, and in our prayers ask the Lord, that maintains healthy for a long time, You see I am a devoted supporter of his, without any hesitation hidden or intentional preoccupation to add to what has already. But seeing that show, seeing how they put you in answering simple questions, I felt a little de-moralized the first questions, but I waterfalls arms when asked a young member of parliament, (as they know how to choose good looking and style, his class is evident) despite the fact that he answered wrong, (deadly nonsense) has still strengthened his ignorance, in defiance of the Hyena questioning, because he always knew the right answer, and never would have fallen into such silly questions . I swear egr Cav .. Berlusconi , then a mixed shame and anger, I was going up to that person; shame because because of him, also affects its esteemed person, being his choice, the young man senseless, which do a grotesque figure in the whole political class which she selected, showing that in addition to being ignorant and arrogant mind-also proud of his ignorance, shame for us that his most loyal voters, workplaces, places of conversation, hairdressers, cafes , and various circles, we find the usual communist butt of consumer jokes that we laugh, we pose the questions put forth, what a fool not been able to give a short answer there humiliate, ranking us and also your respectable person, that level of dismal ignorance. Rabies attacks us, both in respect of that mindless, inane to those people who still insist, and those who do not understand you, His greatness, his courage to get involved for the good of the country, including those who yet is commonly said, and it is considered culturally superior, but with the sincere mind- performance than senseless, sometimes I doubt that they are right axle, but only a few moments of doubt, I know that his awareness of world, will understand these human weaknesses (of which I will to expiate the sins with volunteer political). To conclude this, I humbly ask a favor, whether in His magnanimity, can find the time granting it, not so much to me personally, but to all His devotees voters, talk to the most gentle and professionally prepared his Minister of Education Honor. Gelmini, requiring him to set up courses to person m for Members, with updates made daily on the minds of the country, are not textbooks, are enough daily newspapers that year, also free, just that they just browse and read the titles to stay current, the minimum to do the figures mean, as their being our representatives, their meanness is on us right voters surrendered, and we can not continue to make us laugh from the first comunistello of way, it goes also the personal prestige, being her, the breeder, so dull minds. extend my heartfelt thanks for the meritorious work, which is playing for us his most loyal voters, and I apologize for having stolen his prezziosissimo time for my undeserved complaints, hoping for his kindness and understanding, I offer the warmest wishes for continued employment, carrying out charity work for us, his devotees, the Lord protect and bless. the Yours very truly, foo baker

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Low Isee Testing Results

I want to know about the flight ... Tuoi_____essendo che___ If elected, will decide for the approx .... My flight

How many are in the territory of the state (plus some overseas) who thanks to the policy, are paid by us ????? You know how many?? Considering the national parliaments, regional, provincial, and municipal governments?? Add the various Departments, consultants, administrative bodies, government agencies, local health authorities, municipal, local institutions, etc.. etc. .. They are an army of people, blindside decisions, issue decrees and laws affect the lives of all citizens, and car privileges in favor. Can I have a right to know, about the flight .... they'???? WHO ARE, WHAT THEY DO, THE WAY OF THEIR POWERS, THEIR ACTIVITIES 'EXTRA, THEIR incomes, THEIR PROPERTIES ', their knowledge and friendship, their political or administrative CAREER, ETC. ETC. LET'S TALK ABOUT PRIMARY, Why of people chosen from the various leaders do not have the vocational curriculum, as required and to all those who are applying for a position of responsibility in any society. If I have to democratically choose a person to be my representative institutions, I have the right to know, to be sure, is not the usual question, to make the ca ... its cheap, damaging about the flight ... ... Mine. And if you need to thin out the group, being that with the cooperation of the citizens would be enough lot less to decide upon ca .... Our flights.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scared For Sorority Initiation

: reform of the political opposition and the government

: Radicals. it ::...... click here ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- We know clearly that the ' current political system is weak and controversial, and not able to guarantee citizens, the real value of their elective choices, does not guarantee the reliability and conduct of elected members, who elected to serve years reduced the system political, to a privileged caste of and citizens to be their servants. How many times and tried to control this system of power? ' How to give people real control of the elect? How to get every candidate to represent to conduct this service representation with dignity? If the honesty of politicians is to be settled on the merits, before the voters, the fiduccia must be mutual, and then what prevents the voters to have the scrutiny of elected representatives?? A reform that guarantees once and forever, the value and mutual fiduccia between the elect and his voters, not the best way to clean up the political system, all those people who use politics for the sole purpose of personal power, or economic benefits?? After years of hesitation and turns, returns the current requirement of what our founding fathers had mentioned but not fully legislated, the tam tam repeated for several years by the citizens, a child begins to be deafening sound noise, The proposal not only radical Italian Radicals, and a first step that may allow this country to stand up from the mud in which today stands. we must not consider those who propose it, but the idea is proposed that, if and useful to all citizens, even if several guidelines political because the good guys and bad guys are everywhere. _______________________________________________________________________________ The next episode, a few more suggestions.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Toddler Broken Veins On Cheek

Shadow. ... that is overshadowed by the government, but it seems a shadow of himself

begin from today through this site to publish complaints and proposals, addressing both the class / caste politics that, all those who want or hope that politics in this country go back to being a serious matter for all citizens, of all the social classes, and all the different opinions. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to be a part of the political game, that no politician playing politics, I / We exclude from democratic civil society. As the story began years ago !!!!!!!!! I begin to extend the lead, not follow a predetermined order. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Reforms that seek solution?? ------------------------------------------------- From last war, our country just like many other contemporary changes, economic development and civil, bringing in a few decades to be among the first developed country in the world, the momentum that the reconstruction on, thanks to wise use of the first industrial technologies, means and men of genius and abilities, is low, but not for lack of capacity, are is running out because although technological progress every day there offers new opportunities, our system is deficient and in its evolution. A tired and worn ailments, decaying because of the strong ties between politics and economics, bureaucracies with the conservation of power, which drag the whole economic system and civil society, in equilibrium before an abyss. Or the strength to jump, or you fall in with all that for direct or indirect consequences as we drag a dead weight. What solutions do you find? Which means to use to avoid falling into the abyss? These means can be the legislative, economic, and control of the area?? Reforms of true social equality for citizens and for those who come to live with and among us, reform the political system, and among citizens, reforms of state services to citizens, protecting the rights and obligations, for the indispensable freedom of individuals, their moral values, and their individual abilities. It is now clear to many that this is not feasible, not for lack of will but the will of the powers of preservation because of these demands for reform, modernization of state, to make it efficient and competitive at all levels, negate their power to rule over the people, dispel their privileges and power of all the factors of retention of their status quo. The power of the few to the detriment of many. What are the reforms that the citizens want and expect to jump the chasm, and move towards a real civil and economic development, capable of establishing new and lasting factors of economic and social security?? trying to develop someone, analyzing the different relationships of connection and simplification, as well as guaranteeing the rights and duties of citizens, giving at the same time, the regain all the freedom that writing on paper constitutional, in today's world are prevented, because of the negative factors of the current system, which hinders the full enjoyment. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is only a beginning, an indicator of the path you wish to undertake, will go on my stubbornness until it I capacity, hoping along the way to meet someone else who can offer or give ideas for aproffondimento and analysis. That will be used to create and give to those who contribute ideas other year vision of politics. The balls break ........ and open to all who are tired of waiting grattandosele.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Temporal Visitor Expired

When the risks?

There is no doubt that poker contains an element of chance. Every once in a tournament that you risk something of value with an uncertain outcome, you are gambling. But poker is in some ways the exact opposite of gambling, because everything in poker is based in making intelligent decisions. Everything revolves around the "control".
In its purest form, gambling - then buy a lottery ticket or bet on a roulette number - it means literally and deliberately relinquish control of your money and let fate decide. If it's your day, if the gods wished it to be well, you're lucky. Unlike in poker, you struggle forever because nothing is left to chance.

So ... as you can gain control in tournament poker? Perhaps avoiding the risk? Playing only strong starting hands? Focusing on the points made, not bluffing ever, without seeking any straight draw or color? Certainly not.
If you sit all the time in a tournament to wait only good hands, act like the roulette player who puts all his hopes in his favorite number, or let the case to determine your results. The great paradox in poker tournaments is that, to continue to have the situation under control, you choose the above moments to take risks.
If you go to 140 km / h on the motorway and you are almost attached to the machine that is before us, even if you're the best driver in the world, you have no control over the situation, because if the front brakes suddenly, you can not do anything to avoid an accident. This is what happens when a stack is too small to prevent opponents from doing a re-raise. Every time an opponent will brake, your stack will be at risk of a collision - in times when they will decide - and you will only need luck to survive.
order to maintain control, you must strive to maintain a playable stack, which can mean pushing with the worst hand, when you have a good chance of making your opponent fold. I know you would not want to do it, but you have to recognize when the time is right to push your chips into the pot. If you do it too early rash is a risk that you take and certainly not necessary. If you do it too late, is too obvious and will not work. If you do it too often then you will have a credibility problem.
Sometimes your stack is so short that you already know that the next time you enter a pot you will be forced to a showdown. The only control that is left is to choose when to do it, but even in this situation you are running too much to try and fail to stop. Do not wait until you're at in the big blind. Instead, look for situations where you will be a showdown with the best possible ratio of chips against opponents and the cards that you have the chance of survival. Got a chance at the right time will give the shot just to make you win a playable stack.
Some very good tournament players deliberately seek to venture into large plates in the early stages, are happy to put all their chips on the first level with a flush draw against two pair, because it can then play and have a big stack of extra control they think that is this play. This is not my approach in a tournament that has a high initial stack, but I understand the reasoning behind this style of game.
In poker tournaments the balance between risk and control is constantly changing. Recognize where you are you and your opponents in this unstable scenario will help you make the right decisions and give you a vital edge.

Do Apartments Supply You With Beds


Written by psychologist and professional gambler Alan N. Schoonmaker, "The Psychology of Poker" helps us to discover what goes on in the heads of our opponents and how to leverage this information to beat them.
certainly can not call it a strategy book. It focuses, in fact, the different motivations that drive people to sit at a poker table, the various types of players that we can meet and how and why they act and react in a certain way.
A text, then, for players with some experience already. Council, therefore, those new to join him on a book of basic strategy.

After a brief introduction, Schoonmaker brings the reader to analyze your game and ask a question to which we must respond in a more honest effort to get the best from the rest of the book: What motivates you to play poker?
Immediately after the author introduces a method of classification of the players. Initially explains the difference between loose and tight players, and those between the passive and aggressive and then shows us how to classify ourselves and others according to a precise pattern. This method allows you to analyze a player in a very careful, given all the information that we even moved to the place he chooses to sit. After a bit 'of practice you will understand immediately who you face.
In the final part of the text you will find an excellent discussion on why to study and plan can help you improve your game, how to keep playing and have fun without the poker becomes tedious and tiring.
In conclusion, if you have not already at least 25 years of experience, then this book will help you a lot. If you want to find out why you and other people play poker because they adopted a style rather than another, and if you often ask yourself "Why did you see my raise pre-flop?" then Schoonmaker will help you find an answer.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Little Tikes Push Toy With Basket

Vanessa Rousso vs. Clonie Gowen

We have seen and have read what are the dangers of slow playing, now in this video we see the effects of a botched play slow!

A nice hand between two women is just what we needed to show you how to slow play a bad play can have devastating effects! in this case, after the flop Gowen had the best spot but did not dare to bet so much! For this reason, Rousso has always followed the opponent and eventually raise the river has awarded! The Gowen who thought they had the best point has been so frigate .. Let's see!

Makeup For Sentive Yeyes


As you know most of you today when many players have a good place right after the flop, play in slow play, that is trying to the opposing team think they have nothing in hand to get it as much as possible in the pot! However, sometimes this way of playing can be risky because it gives the opponent the opportunity to build a great hand at a minimum price .. Then we discover how and when to play slow-play ..

We start from an example to understand better:
sietein late position, a raise from early position player. You tapped your cards and see a pair of 8 and decide to call.
The flop is absolutely perfect: Qh 8h 2d. Do you have your set with the woman on the table the possibility that your opponent has something - maybe AQ, maybe pair of kings or aces. He bet on the flop.
Many players would call just in case, hoping that their opponent bets again on the turn.
I do not think you need to worry especially that color can beat your set. You might be beaten by a flush draw even if you raise.
However, be aware that a third of the effect on hearts table can have on your opponent. Might suspect that were you to have a flush draw, so you might not want to bet more money on this hand even if he had a pair of Aces.
In fact, a K, a J, 10, 9, or any card that couples face with the board tend to stop your opponent. If he bets the turn and you raise, you shall be signaling that the turn has helped you. And 'as if he were saying that you liked the flop enough to call and the turn improved your hand in some way. You're announcing that you can beat the couple.
So if your opponent bet the flop with Qh 8h 2d and you raise, you might think that yours is a semi-bluff, a raise on a flush draw. At that point, it might feel compelled to protect his hand with a large re-raise, or even an all-in. When this happens, you bring home a monster pot.
Okay even if you raise the flop and you do not get the result you wanted. You might have scared someone who had pocket jacks, or AK, but you would not, however, made great money with hands like this. And if you come across Ah, Jh could lose a big pot against the color.
Certainly there are times when slow play is the best choice. If you flop something like a color or full of Q, you'll want to give your opponent the chance to improve his position on the turn or river
But often the best option is to play aggressively on the flop. Could be your only chance to win a big pot with a big hand.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Will The Army Except U With Eczema

We devote so much time some space to women, to our beloved poker players as we have seen in recent weeks are known to rely on the green table in mezzoa atanti men! It will be for this reason that the World Poker Tour has taken a huge step forward by announcing the creation of the League and WPT Ladies tour, which starts this month, namely on January 20 at the Borgata in Atlantic City.

Five years ago debuted the "WPT Ladies Night Out" by bringing in some way a recognition of the value of women in poker. Since then, the Trust has also worked with the Bicycle Club to promote the Ladies Event at the Legends of Poker tournament. The winner of the Bike's Ladies $ 1000 buy-in has therefore become the sixth player Toen annual televised. The partnership has also brought to the table topics such as women's health and welfare by sponsoring the Susan G. Foundation Komen for research on breast cancer, which now becomes the first recipient of the charity events of the WPT Ladies Tour
With a history of great success in promoting women in poker and the favor of the numbers who say they are more and more representatives of gentil-sex play poker, the WPT has decided to make available the Ladies events in most stop on the circuit. Some of these events will in some association with women's organizations such as the Poker Ladies Poker Association (LPA) and LIPSTour.
All events will offer buy-ins between $ 300 and $ 1500 in order to attract players of both amateur, semi-pro and professional. Each winner in the stages of the circuit will qualify for a place in the WPT Ladies Championship will be played at the Bellagio in Las Vegas in April 2008.

This is the program for the next steps: January 20

Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, Atlantic City, NJ Buy-in: $ 300 Entry Fee: $ 50

February 2 to 3 Commerce Casino, Los Angeles, CA
[In Association with Ladies Poker Association (LPA)]
Buy-in: $ 970 Entry Fee: $ 95

March 16 Bay 101, San Jose, CA
[In association with the Ladies International Poker Series (LIPS)]
Buy-in: $ 300 Entry Fee : $ 30

March 29 Foxwoods Resort and Casino, Mashantucket, CT Buy-in: $ 530 Entry Fee: $ 70

WPT Ladies' Championship
April 13 to 14: Tourneo
April 25: Final Table Bellagio
Las Vegas, NV
Buy-in: $ 1.500 Entry Fee: $ 90

Unlocking Nortel T7316e Mailbox

ElkY PCA 2008 WINS

Bertrand Grospellier is a new name to most people, and frankly to me, but this player is French was able to win the prestigious tournament in 2008 beating off competition from PCA over 1000 contestants! A good test of this young boy who was only 26 years, still has a whole life ahead to win more tournaments .. Good luck!

The Team PokerStars Pro Bertrand "Elky" Grospellier won the fifth edition of the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) and a record first prize of $ 2 million after beating 1,135 opponents in what was the TV's largest tournament outside the World Series of Poker (WSOP).
The 26-year old French during the press conference, told reporters that the microphones of the whole trip was characterized by a series of exciting experiences, and now returns to his homeland as the ACC Champion in 2008. Elky for this tournament was definitely the most difficult of his life, because opponents were difficult and had to challenge many Americans online qualifiers who played really well. In fact, were 650 players who have won their place in the PCA through PokerStars satellites, also included seven of the finalists who braved Elky.

We see in detail how it was developed on Day 5, the last day.
The final table television consists of 8 players, here are the names and relative chip count:

Seat 3: David Pham USA (41) 7390.000
Seat 4: Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier France (Team PokerStars Pro - 26 years) 3060.000 Seat 5: Joseph Elpayaa USA (19 years) 2755.000
Seat 8: USA Hafiz Khan (33) 2560.000
Seat 1 Kris Kuykendall USA (25 years) 2150.000
Seat 7: Richard Fohrenbach USA (20 years) 1855.000
Seat 6: Craig Hopkins UK (33) 1770.000
Seat 2: Christian Harder USA (20 years) 905,000

Thursday, January 10, 2008

How Long Do Laxatives Take To Work


We just talked about Jimmy Fricke Gobboboy and we saw how the 2008 has opened in the best way for him .. Even in 2007 but has not been a bad year for him because he finished second at the Aussie Millions .. In this video we see just the final hand of the tournament that saw the triumph of Gus Hansen!

certainly could not imagine that our friend Gus Gobboboy, which usually raises with nothing, this time it had a nice pair of aces! And of course the flop did not help that Jimmy might have called an all-in a little adventurous! Anyway you look at the video and then tell us what you think of the game of Gobboboy! At the end of a nice video interview with our new character .. Enjoy ..

Red Eye Tetra Skin Problem


start of the year a major success for our friend Jimmy "Gobboboy" Fricke has vintoil 3 preliminary tournament at the Aussie Millions! A combination of the tournament and Australia bring their goods to the young champion who already in the Main Event Aussie Millions 2007 he won a strong second place behind only the great Gus Hansen! The live event had the opportunity to then nineteen "Gobboboy" to put on display his skills as a player and the "reward" for her performance had been $ 800,000 Australians

In the same year the player had yet to speak self because of the refusal by Full Tilt Poker added to the list of sponsored players. In fact the object real discussion was not the rejection itself, but rather the fault of an employee of the FTP sending mail response to the boy, Howard Lederer Gobboboy had denied the request by sending an email with a little comment pretty used to his public relations officer, who in turn responded to the boy forgot to remove the part of Lederer ... and from that moment on, Gobboboy, even more than before, and had wanted to win more tournaments!
In fact, Gobboboy attended both the first two preliminary events of the Aussie Millions, to no avail, but then the third has done it and the tournament has paid off the phenomenon of online poker of all his efforts. Mixed Stud tournament (round of alternating Card Stud / 7 Card Stud Hi-Lo / Razz) buy-in of $ 550, has seen 96 players sign, including Thomas 'Buzzer' Bihl (winner of the HORSE tournament at the World Series of Poker Europe 2007), Mel Judah, James Kenna, Emad Tahtouh, Anna Wroblewski, and Jeffrey Lisandro. The total prize money amounted to 48,000 AUD.
Gobboboy started the final table as chip leader and has continued to maintain a dominant position for the rest of the tournament. Finally, with the remaining four, the young man boasted in front of a wall of 262,000 in chips, while his opponents had only 68,000, 28,000 and 22,000. A clear advantage, "Gobboboy" was able to eliminate the other three players, in order: Rich Holmes, Jared Bottroff and finally Graeme Putt, who is ranked second. 16.800 AUD
Gobboboy won the trophy and "Aussie Millions", but the player says that in reality, what mattered most to him was not the prize, but rather the title, especially after last year came to a step the first prize in the Main Event.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How To Makechili Roasters


After Max Pescatori and Marco Traniello, Dario Alioto is becoming a new member of the Italian team of pros at Full Tilt. Over the past two years, Darius has established itself as one of the best Italian players capable of winning both in Italy, and abroad ... as you can not remember his company at the WSOP Europe in London?

Sport has always been an integral part of Dario's life that saw him win several regional championships of judo until you get on the podium for six consecutive years in the Italian Championship Wrestling.
Dario has certainly made the most of this experience: "I think all the sacrifices for the sport have taught me the discipline to a program is an indispensable factor and primary key to success." A lover of the classic 32-card draw poker, Dario has slowly approached and found the charm poker texas hold'em.
His early results are dated 2005, where he reached a final table at EPT Barcelona. With more than $ 600,000 in winnings in his short career, Darius has quickly established itself as a specialist in the Pot Limit Omaha: "The PLO is an action game, fast-paced and fun but also very technical and multi-faceted. I'm loving it now and since I noticed it was a game very popular in high-stakes games I decided to try his hand almost exclusively in this specialty with the declared aim of becoming the best. "
Dario chose to play at Full Tilt Poker because "You see now that is a poker room designed by gamers for gamers, always ready to steal and adapt to the needs of its customers: both those who play poker to make a profit, but also those who do it for fun. " From now on, you can follow Dario at the tables of Full Tilt where he plays with the nickname "Dario Alioto" and you can challenge him at the table of Cap Omaha PL $ 25 / $ 50 reserved for him.

Mercury Tv Tuner Saa7130hl Driver

suited connectors and pocket pairs

We've all seen situations on TV where a hand like 7-8 suited or small pairs have cracked monster, and big pairs, Aces or type of Kappa. Sitting in our comfortable living room say, "Well, if they can then even I can do." On the one hand it is true that these hands can sometimes bring some good dishes, but in reality play such marginal hands can 'often lead many players (especially the less experienced players) into a big trap. Read these instructions carefully and make it yours if you do not fall into unpleasant situations .. Of course this advice is expert, not mine or I'd go if I knew all these things in Las Vegas, is not it?

These start playing suited connectors and small pairs (pockets) too frequently, and often find themselves in situations where they must make difficult decisions, which leads them to invest a lot of chips. Personally, I suggest you stay away from suited connectors (especially if you are a novice player), and sincerely believe that these are often overstated. But if you feel the need to play this kind of hands, the first rule to remember is to play them in position. If you limp or raise from early position with suited connectors, it's a bad play. Another aspect to consider is that you're going to invest a lot of chips after the flop if you find a straight or flush. If you do not play hands like 7-8 suited you fold without thinking about it as a flop 5 6 T, but if that card to play pre-flop you are able to close your point (scale in this case) once in three (about 30 %). When you do not close your project you will be able to push your opponent out of the pot with bets moderate, but if someone has a strong hand or even better a project will not pass anyway. One especially dangerous hand to watch is 9-8, both suited to unsuited. Why? Well, we say we see a flop of TJ Q. You close a straight and someone bets. Most players at this point would push all in, but this can be a costly mistake, because there's a good chance that someone else has AK and you take away all the chips. Personally I think it's better to have a hand like 5-6 or 4-5, because you'll be less tempted to put all the chips in the pot with the second best hand. Playing 9-8 is a good recipe to go "broke" (to lose it all). When couples have even less to small struggling. You just hope to be lucky and find a set on the flop. I have seen many players raise pre-flop with these hands, convinced that they have the best hand at the moment (and maybe had). But this can sometimes be a big mistake. In doing so takes away a lot of value in this hand, because they pay much more when you find a set on the flop and let you kill someone. If you're going to play a hand as a pair of 5, my suggestion is once again only play when you're in position (limp or raise from early position brings you to go against a lot of trouble). Council to try to enter the pot cheaply, and see if you find whether or not the set. If you do not attach anything on the flop you do your best to take control of the stakes and compel others to leave the pot if you still do not seem to have closed their point. Finally suited connectors and small pockets are undoubtedly dangerous hands to play. You look like a genius when you flop the nuts (best place ever), and we'll pay you by someone, but the odds say it does not happen very often. Most of the time the scenario that is created is that if you play this kind of purely speculative hands more than necessary, you Codurri a huge drain on your bankroll.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hair Is Greasy After Keratin Treatment


to get a reputation as one of the greatest legends of poker, the best thing to winning the final hand of the WSOP 1997?!

Porcelain Markings Two Arrows

1997 WSOP: Stu Ungar

Stu Ungar was born to Jewish parents and grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York. His father, Isadore ("Ido") Ungar was a loan shark who ran a bar-club in which you could also gamble. This exposed Stu to gambling at a young age. In spite of attempts to keep his son Ido away from the game, Stu soon began to play gin rummy tournament in making a name around. Ido

In 1968 he died of a heart attack in the arms of his wife. Following the death of his father, his mother made incapacitated by illness, Ungar began to spin off from New York gambling scene until the age of eighteen, when he entered into friendly relations with Victor Romano, alleged member of the Genovese crime family. Romano, whose memory was so brilliant as to enable him to memorize spelling and definition of each word in a dictionary (skills honed through time spent in prison), shared with Ungar's interest for the calculation of probabilities in gambling . The two reports are so intimate that shook the Roman Empire became a father figure for Ungar.

The proximity to the world of crime led Ungar finds itself in some interesting situations in his adult life. One day he was ready to fly to Europe to participate in a tournament. Stu was the only one among all poker players leaving not have a passport, not having even a social security number (acquired a "Social Security Number" only after winning the World Series in 1980, and only because it was necessary to collect the win). Ungar did this to the airport staff to have immediate need of the passport and they told him that for a small fee things could take place more quickly. Ungar misunderstood the meaning of words, considering that the were asking for a bribe. He was accustomed to things, having seen many similar situations during his friendship with Victor Romano, and gave the agent $ 100. In reality the agent referred to a "tax on the urgency," very common procedure in cases like that, and then was to stop Ungar for attempted corruption. But the intervention of fellow poker players resolved the situation.

Ungar was notorious for continuing strong criticism addressed to his opponents. In any event, his friendship with Roman protected him from players who do not willingly accept the way he acted at the table. It is said that a man, after being soundly defeated by Ungar, tried to hit him in the head with a chair. A few years later Ungar tell that a few days after the incident the man was found dead, shot to death by gunfire.

Ungar is still regarded by many players as talented as ever: his career has won at least 30 million dollars. By John Moss is the only poker player to have won the World Series three times: to be considered, however, that Moss was the first victory by popular vote, while the three victories have been won at the table Ungar.
[Source: Wikipedia]

Monday, January 7, 2008

What To Put On Invitations If Bride Wants Money

Esfandiari vs. Laak

The hand of the poor

For once we go against our people in poker. Here is a hand unexciting even the winner commented: "The Magician".

Canadian Graduate School Letter Of Intent

"The Magician"
Amir, the name of Antonio Esfandiari at birth, was born in Tehran in Iran on December 8 (no, you're not reading wrong, date of birth of Antonio is in fact known to insiders). His family emigrated to the United States when Anthony was six years to allow him and his brother Pasha to live a better life. Esfandiari's family settled in California in San Jose, and found himself in trouble because her father spoke little or no English, while Antonio and his brother because of young age knew only Farsi, the language spoken in Iran. Antonio's father tried in every way to meet the difficulties of his family and he did his utmost to give her children a good education. Things got complicated When Anthony's mother left his father to return to Iran. However, they lost courage, and can count on the help of his paternal grandmother.

In 2002 Antonio took part in his first tournament of the World Poker Tour in San Francisco, reaching to the final table of the Main Event, calssificandosi in third place and taking home a prize of $ 44,000. The excellent result and his face pierced by all accounts, without a doubt the video, they did become a star of the circuit. In 2004, his greatest success: the first at the LA Poker Classic at the Bicycle Casino with super payout of $ 1,399,135. Not content with the next day, almost without sleep, he took part in the WPT Invitational coming sixth.
Antonio has become a symbol of poker in the world, thanks to the success in collecting the fairer sex, caught by her charm Middle East.

Antonio in 2004 returns to Las Vegas for the WSOP and won the bracelet in Pot Limit Hold'em and remembers how two years in his life as a poker player has changed. Just two years before his bankroll was almost red, but now a player is claimed, and especially winning. The only negative was left in Anthony's life was a reticence that was his father to his life as a poker professional, so one day he decided to take it with you at the table, to make him understand that he was not a sick d 'chance, but a player meticulous and careful. The father remains favorable
impressed when he saw how easily Antonio could read the cards of his opponents to defeat the table.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hairstyles With Weave

Antonio Esfandiari Phil Hellmuth Wins WSOP 2007

Eleventh bracelet for the German sample also seasoned by a bit of luck as he himself admits .. The fact is that to win 11 bracelets need to be strong and our friend Phil has proven over and over again to be one!

Among the characters of the year we talked a few days ago there was Phil Hellmuth who won for the eleventh time the WSOP .. Here's the video to the phenomenon of an exclusive interview just after the victory!

Kate Playground Filmer Gratis

end of the year with a bang mining

close to the great Italian champion on Pokerstars. The 2007 ended in grand style for the Team PokerStars, with a fantastic final week for the card room is the same for both professionals sponsored by them. Not only is Dario Minieri has made its way to the summit by demolishing the opponents of the big Sunday tournaments, but the cash tables online dedicated to set new records in huge traffic.

The Italian superstar, Minieri, the first person to secure a Porsche Cayman with only points PokerStars Frequent Player Points, has SNG literally demolished the highest level by winning more than $ 450,000 during its last 2000 games. In addition, in just 24 hours has managed to achieve one of the richest payouts in online poker history at which time three of the toughest races in a row.
has awarded $ 50,000 by winning the $ 10,000 High Stakes Showdown, heads up weekly tournament that players such as Barry Greenstein, Daniel Negreanu and Sorel Mizzi attend regularly. He also won a $ 215 rebuy really hard which is often frequented almost exclusively by pro tournament, winning $ 56,000. He ended the great winning the $ 5,200 winner-takes-all freezeout taking home another $ 100,000. Minieri, To top it off, went very well in the Sunday Million, where he finished 42nd. In just 24 hours he managed to win over $ 200,000 and is presumed to have taken quite a few 'other FFP. Has he decided to change my car?!
It was not the only Team PokerStars to celebrate the great year-end. The hall itself is in fact able to break the record for active players at the tables of real money ring games over the weekend, with over 20,000 active players at once. These numbers far exceed those of the previous record which had stood at 16'960 and built in the pre-UIGEA by Party Poker.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Brazilian Wax Uncensored Vids

Antonio Esfandiari vs David Benyamine David Benyamine

I propose a video featuring our new character. A challenge with one of our countryman, who, on this occasion, he looked for trouble. What do you think? Played risky?

Dupages County Jail Inmate Searchs

best player in France

best poker players in France, David Benyamine is considered a player of great success in terms of wins, they in fact exceed $ 1,000,000 in career. David Benyamine was born in Paris July 5, 1972, then grew up in southern France where he began to know the poker at the age of 12 years, but at that time was to be his destiny seemed to play tennis .... His tennis career, however, stops very soon, where because of back problems can no longer practice this sport. Benyamine is not down, and passion for tennis, will pass to the pool. Although he became one of the best French players in this event, soon rediscovered his love for the cards. From the Paris Casino in international tournaments, Benyamine become a skilled player, and even here, more so than in other sports, shows to have a great talent. He is now married with Erica Schoenberg, a FullTilt pro player. The couple have a daughter and live in southern France.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Audi Allroad Best Remote Car Starter


Trevix promotes his book

I propose a video in which our new character to promote his book "Kill luck", inside you will find many useful tips and curiosity to every fan. And remember the key concept of Trevix "understand what the opponent has."

What Happens To Expired No Xplode


Kill Luck

Marco Trevix approached the Texas holde'm a decade ago and has played at as many 5 card draw (poker Italian ) as a child. Emergency physician, has fo Zato his interest in the theoretical aspects of the game and especially on reading enemy hands, where the topic has shown extraordinary abilities. He participated in the WSOP in 2003, 2005 and 2006, goes regularly in the United States two or three times a year, and his favorite is, not surprisingly, Las Vegas, where he was eleven times and where he married in 2001. For two years he has partially abandoned the practice of medicine more regularly playing tournaments and reaching the final table nine. In 2000 he won a tournament in Vienna Seven Stud, his favorite game. E 'PokerSportivo editor of the journal, drafts of articles and comments on the site ItaliaPokerClub hands, is editor of the site, wrote PokerEuropa magazine. Expert of casino games, has a library of works on poker with more than 160 titles, and a hundred on the game in general. The book contains useful topics for beginners and more advanced concepts, suitable for more experienced players. The work is divided into chapters classics (hands to play, basic strategies, how to know your opponents, etc.) and chapters contain ideas for techniques more "advanced". Many examples drawn from the world champions played the WPT and the WSOP, but also lesser-known Italian players, and this emphasizes the fact that many Italians can have their say in world tournament players. The book closes with a rich glossary.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Absorbption Rate Of Paper


five three winners!

On December 30 he played the final hand of the ITALIAN MAIN EVENT rounders. Guess who was the winner? Of course, our new character Gino Alacqua.