Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scared For Sorority Initiation

: Radicali.it: reform of the political opposition and the government

: Radicals. it ::...... click here ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- We know clearly that the ' current political system is weak and controversial, and not able to guarantee citizens, the real value of their elective choices, does not guarantee the reliability and conduct of elected members, who elected to serve years reduced the system political, to a privileged caste of and citizens to be their servants. How many times and tried to control this system of power? ' How to give people real control of the elect? How to get every candidate to represent to conduct this service representation with dignity? If the honesty of politicians is to be settled on the merits, before the voters, the fiduccia must be mutual, and then what prevents the voters to have the scrutiny of elected representatives?? A reform that guarantees once and forever, the value and mutual fiduccia between the elect and his voters, not the best way to clean up the political system, all those people who use politics for the sole purpose of personal power, or economic benefits?? After years of hesitation and turns, returns the current requirement of what our founding fathers had mentioned but not fully legislated, the tam tam repeated for several years by the citizens, a child begins to be deafening sound noise, The proposal not only radical Italian Radicals, and a first step that may allow this country to stand up from the mud in which today stands. we must not consider those who propose it, but the idea is proposed that, if and useful to all citizens, even if several guidelines political because the good guys and bad guys are everywhere. _______________________________________________________________________________ The next episode, a few more suggestions.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Toddler Broken Veins On Cheek

Shadow. ... that is overshadowed by the government, but it seems a shadow of himself

begin from today through this site to publish complaints and proposals, addressing both the class / caste politics that, all those who want or hope that politics in this country go back to being a serious matter for all citizens, of all the social classes, and all the different opinions. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I want to be a part of the political game, that no politician playing politics, I / We exclude from democratic civil society. As the story began years ago !!!!!!!!! I begin to extend the lead, not follow a predetermined order. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Reforms that seek solution?? ------------------------------------------------- From last war, our country just like many other contemporary changes, economic development and civil, bringing in a few decades to be among the first developed country in the world, the momentum that the reconstruction on, thanks to wise use of the first industrial technologies, means and men of genius and abilities, is low, but not for lack of capacity, are is running out because although technological progress every day there offers new opportunities, our system is deficient and in its evolution. A tired and worn ailments, decaying because of the strong ties between politics and economics, bureaucracies with the conservation of power, which drag the whole economic system and civil society, in equilibrium before an abyss. Or the strength to jump, or you fall in with all that for direct or indirect consequences as we drag a dead weight. What solutions do you find? Which means to use to avoid falling into the abyss? These means can be the legislative, economic, and control of the area?? Reforms of true social equality for citizens and for those who come to live with and among us, reform the political system, and among citizens, reforms of state services to citizens, protecting the rights and obligations, for the indispensable freedom of individuals, their moral values, and their individual abilities. It is now clear to many that this is not feasible, not for lack of will but the will of the powers of preservation because of these demands for reform, modernization of state, to make it efficient and competitive at all levels, negate their power to rule over the people, dispel their privileges and power of all the factors of retention of their status quo. The power of the few to the detriment of many. What are the reforms that the citizens want and expect to jump the chasm, and move towards a real civil and economic development, capable of establishing new and lasting factors of economic and social security?? trying to develop someone, analyzing the different relationships of connection and simplification, as well as guaranteeing the rights and duties of citizens, giving at the same time, the regain all the freedom that writing on paper constitutional, in today's world are prevented, because of the negative factors of the current system, which hinders the full enjoyment. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This is only a beginning, an indicator of the path you wish to undertake, will go on my stubbornness until it I capacity, hoping along the way to meet someone else who can offer or give ideas for aproffondimento and analysis. That will be used to create and give to those who contribute ideas other year vision of politics. The balls break ........ and open to all who are tired of waiting grattandosele.