Saturday, March 19, 2011

Safty Razors In Connecticut

Kilkudniowa przerwa

suitcases are packed. Tickets in the pocket. Everything is ready, we leave the house, close the door ... Objective: Malta, 5 days to explore the island:)

A presto!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Preparation For Cogat Free

Pierogi z fenkułem the suszonymi pomidorami

The filling for these dumplings - with potatoes, dill ricotta and Italian - is one of my favorite stuffing. Not everyone will appeal, definitely need to like the taste of fennel. I like it very much:) fennel, accompanied by sun-dried tomatoes, also appears in omaście, so beware, if someone does not respond is a vegetable, you should replace them with something else, such as onions, leek and cabbage. In preparing the dumplings for the first time benefited from a provision in the proposed pierogi dough on blog issue of Taste and to be honest, I'm very pleased with the result. Cake (no eggs) is very artistic and well it sticks dumplings. Asia she was right, it is the perfect pierogi dough!

Ingredients the dough (for about 40 dumplings):

· 300 g wheat flour
· pinch of salt
· 250 ml of hot water
· 30 g butter

Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt. Put hot water and melt the butter, gradually pour into the flour, stirring all the spoon. Combine ingredients and put them on floured pastry board podsypaną. Wygniatać dough with hands for about 7 - 8 minutes, if podsypując need to flour so that dough does not kleiło up. Prepared dough covered with damp cloth and allow to stand 30 minutes. Then put them on the pastry board, wygniatać for about 1 - 2 minutes, divided into 3 - 4 parts, and each successively rozwałkowywać a thin pancake (about 2 - 3 mm), showered pastry board and roll in flour. Glass cutting wheel, the center put one heaping teaspoon of filling. Consist of dough in half and carefully agglutinate ravioli edges, stack them on the pastry board or counter. Cover with a cloth to the cooking time, not to obeschły. In a large pot, boil salted water and both will be raging, put the first batch of dumplings. Reduce heat and cook ravioli for about 15 - 30 seconds, counting from the time of their departure to the surface. Pick out with a slotted spoon and arrange on a plate while maintaining the spacing.


• 3 large potatoes
• 1 onion
· half large fennel bulbs
· 150 g ricotta cheese (or other white cheese)
· 1-2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
• 1-tbsp grated parmesan
• 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
· nutmeg
· salt and pepper
· olive

Peel the potatoes, boil, drain, mash with a fork to mush. Onion and fennel finely, fry in olive oil in a frying pan for several minutes. Mix the potatoes, add ricotta, parmesan cheese and yogurt. Stir, season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Add fennel seeds and mix. Ready to fill stuffing dumplings.


· half large fennel bulbs
· dozen dried tomatoes
· olive
· salt and pepper

Chop into pieces fennel, sauté in olive oil in a frying pan for several minutes. Season with salt, pepper, add chopped tomatoes, mix well. Add cooled down pierogi and fry until they become crispy. Put on plates.
Dumplings can also reheat in the oven and immediately pour butter on a plate with olive oil, fennel and dried tomatoes.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Use Neutrogena Deep Cleasner

Pan cake with raisins yeast

... a sweet yeast bread with raisins on sourdough. Inspiration for the baking, I found the rules on blogs wyszperanych Lo Scief Scientifico e Anic & Cannella . I am very happy with the final outcome, this sweet bread is very fragrant, and in addition long stays fresh. That is what tigers like the most:)


the leaven:

· 75 g wheat sourdough
· 75 g flour Manitoba
· 75 g water

Mix all ingredients, cover, set aside in a warm place for 12-24 hours.

on the cake as appropriate:

· leaven
· 150 g flour Manitoba
· 200 g of whole-wheat flour
• 50 g milk
· 150 g sugar
• 2 whole eggs
• 1 egg yolk
of 120 g of butter
· glass of rum
· wiped rind of 1 orange
· pinch of salt
• 50 g raisins (previously soaked, drained and dried)


• 50 g raisins (previously soaked, drained and dried)
• 3 tablespoons bitter cocoa
• 3 tablespoons powdered sugar

Sift the flour, mix it with yeast, milk and sugar. Begin to knead, gradually adding the eggs and yolk. Dough will be quite sticky, so if we made by hand, it is best to take a break, cover the dough and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Return to the kneading, gradually adding the butter (best to divide them into 3 parts and add one part of the dough to form until completely absorbed, add another portion of butter, etc.). At the end add a pinch of salt, rum, orange zest, abraded and raisins. Knead again (if necessary, add a little flour.) Flexible, cover kneaded dough and set aside in a warm place to rise (for me it lasted 4 hours).
Ready roll the dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle the surface with icing sugar, cocoa and raisins, rolled up. Pass the dough to the longitudinal mold (greased and floured), set aside in a warm place to rise again (for me: 2 hours). Put into preheated oven and bake for about 35 minutes. at 170-180 ° C.

Additional comments:
- if sourdough is not very active, this cake can be further strengthened by adding a bit of fresh yeast (with milk, the first wyrabianiu);
- the filling can be freely modified;
- Mr. dolce can do it without filling, just add more nuts and raisins to the dough the proper;
- from the dough come out too great scones, and I would recommend this form!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can You Brazilian Wax When Pregnant?

Eggplant stuffed with rice

... or eggplant stuffed with rice. In the south of Italy is a popular variation of this delicacy meat (carne di melanges ripiene macinata "is a spectacular dish my mother in law in Calabria ...), but to be honest, the more I tasted the stuffed eggplant vegetarian version, with rice and vegetables. Prepared as a fan of aubergines! For the first time I tried them in Florence, in the restaurant "Birreria Centrale", in which you moonlighted as a waitress. I liked this dish so that when foreign customers have asked me to recommend some vegetarian dishes, is invariably the first point to "melanges ripiene. Cook Rosa has always had high expectations and przyrządzała divine love pears, aromatic and fragrant herbs ... recipe below is my attempt to recreate these flavors at home.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

• 1 large eggplant (or 2 small)
· approximately 100 g of rice
mozzarella cheese • 1 (125 g)
· 2-3 tablespoons grated pecorino cheese
• 1 tomato
• 1 small onion
· handful of olives
• 1 clove garlic
• 1 egg
· crumbs
· cider vinegar
· olive
· oregano and basil (preferably fresh)
· pepper and salt

eggplant slice in half and hollow. Boil rice, drain and cool. Onion and garlic finely, fry in olive oil in a frying pan. Make a hollow pieces of eggplant, heat for several minutes over low heat. Mozzarella cut into cubes (except 4-6 slices, which should be left for later.) Tomato and olives and cut into pieces (a few olives to put aside). All of these ingredients - onions, garlic, eggplant chunks, mozzarella, tomato and olive-mix with the rice. Add pecorino and egg, stir and add bread crumbs, if mixture is too thin. Add herbs, season with vinegar, salt and pepper. Thus prepared filling into prepared to impose "boats" bakłażanowych. The form of parchment paper for baking. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil, arrange eggplant with stuffing and place in preheated oven. Bake for about 45-60 minutes. at 180-200 ° C (if it starts filling up too quickly scorch on top, cover with aluminum foil form.) A few minutes before the end of cooking remove the form from the oven and place on top "boats" slices of mozzarella and olives. Insert back into the oven and bake until cheese is melted. Serve hot.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Clothe Snoop Dogg Bandana Collection

Migliaccio Neapolitan

... a Neapolitan cake with ricotta and semolino traditionally prepared at the end of Carnival, usually on the occasion of "Martedì Grasso (Fat Tuesday). This is probably the least caloric Italian carnival tidbit of the kind ever heard:) And this really tasty! If someone like this one bit podlaskie semolina cake with , it will not be disappointed, and the Neapolitan baked - it's the same atmosphere, though the rules are derived from two parts of Europe:) I found inspiration on blogs Ideas ricetta and L'Antro dell'Alchimista , my recipe was created as a result of the intersection of these two provisions. I recommend!


° 350 g fresh ricotta (the better the cheese, the tastier cake)
· 150 g semolino (you can substitute semolina)
• 100 g sugar (you can add more, depends on preference)
· 400 ml of milk
• 3 eggs
• 1 teaspoon butter
· wiped rind of 1 lemon
· wiped rind of 1 orange
· juice of 1 orange
• 1 glass of Marsala wine
· pinch of salt

semolino mix with milk, add the finely chopped lemon zest, and orange. Cook on low heat, stirring constantly. When it thickens, add a knob of butter, wait until it has dissolved, stir, remove from heat to cool. Rozrobić ricotta with eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt, add the cooled down semolino, marsala, and a glass of orange juice and mix (you can use a mixer). Ready to translate the mass a greased and floured mold (I use zawyczaj round shape with a diameter of 20 cm, although recently baked in five small ceramic cups ...) and insert a pre-heated Oven. Bake at 170 ° C, until dough is browned (in my oven, the average time baking this cake is a 40-45 min.). After cooling, the cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar. But not everyone waiting for the cooling of the cake, I know those who prefer Migliaccio still warm:)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sample Community Sponsorship Letter

carrot cake, chocolate and coconut

... Or carrot cake-chocolate-coconut. It looks inconspicuous, but it tastes like! Poetry, just poetry:) So we ate them quickly, that even I could not make a decent picture ... This is my next approach to the carrot cake (on the blog showed the first such cheesecake, orange-carrot , delicious!) And does not admit that this type of pastries very, very suit me. The carrot cake presented below has been combined with coconut and chocolate: a very successful list of flavors! Nothing, nos delicious:)

recipe comes the publication "Cioccolato", an addition to the monthly magazine "La Cucina del Corriere della Sera."


· 200 g flour
• 100 g grated coconut
· 150 g sugar
· 150 g grated carrots
• 100 g chocolate (milk or dark)
· 5 tablespoons sunflower oil
• 50 ml
milk • 3 eggs
· beans with half vanilla pod
• 1 teaspoon baking powder

very easy recipe: Mix all ingredients, except chocolate. Knead the dough (can be a mixer, add more milk if necessary!), Add chopped chocolate, mix, transfer to a greased and floured mold (I've used the classic keksówki). Bake about 30 minutes. at 180-200 ° C.

Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Weeks Pregnant With Genital Warts

Penne with shrimp, cream and rich chocolate pudding tomato

... or tubes noodles with prawns, sour cream and tomatoes. The recipe comes from the "Ricordi in cucina" Tessa Kiros. Nothing in it is not changed, just adapted it to the needs of two people (the original was for three). Taste impressions? I will be brief: the sky in his mouth:) I highly recommend!

Ingredients (for 2 persons):

· 200 g penne pasta
· 200 g canned tomatoes
· 40 g butter
· 300-400 g of cleaned shrimp (if using frozen, it must be defrosted and dry before)
• 2 cloves garlic
• 2 tablespoons calvados (can be replaced with another type of brandy or other alcohol at all - I sometimes use Bison, I'm giving this match)
• 2 tablespoons of cream
• 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
· 1 tablespoon Olive
· salt and pepper

melt half the butter in a pan, add tomatoes, season with salt and pepper. Heat on low heat for about 10 minutes. On the second pan, dissolve the remainder of the butter, add olive oil and heat together for a while. Add crushed garlic and shrimp. Fry until shrimp becomes slightly crisp (be careful not to burn anything, frying shrimp very quickly!). At the end of cooking add the calvados. Mix tomato sauce with shrimp, add cream and parsley ( I just did not have fresh, I had to use dried ), cooked whole on a low heat. Cook pasta al dente , drain, add to sauce. Mix, spread on the plates. Serve immediately.

Monday, February 7, 2011

If You Have Herpes Does Your Discharge Smell

The satire .... through the keyhole ..... from democracy to depravatoCrazia or ciarpameritoCrazia ... NEURONAL

888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 do click on the images x zoom. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Photos / fittings by ahard Core .... taken from the web through a keyhole. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Too often we think the act of outrageous behavior , who is required to representation of a state like ours. analyzing the factors and root causes, one is perplexed in highlighting a real TY simple mind / cul / tural: We are slaves of ancient desired, which hindered by a ban on image ato sexual, it deforms the same desires, the perversion of them. Even so, there arises the brake, m to other factors that accelerate fulfillment, quand or you have the opportunity or means to satisfy those desires and the perverse, is also extended by whom, in putting bans, it emphasizes the rac account same perversion and, as the temptation of foreign forces do not u manami nte conceivable result of research in mental fantasies dell'abominevole example. Consequently there and always will be those who, for power or the means for ill interpretation, supported by defying the rules and prohibitions, it will be the primary performer and actor, identifying himself in the challenge, or hypocritically reciting the words to ban, for reasons of convenience, the privacy claims of his being in private (no eye has seen, the hearts of others does not hurt) ... The assumption made, the narrative also serves to figurative, fantasy that sexual desire, combined with the possibility that both economic power representative can leap in the newspaper of the individual, depending on the culture had, and the ability to challenge what he takes to stay on the cutting edge that defines the permissible from the crime. But against the claim of the present day is not looking to see who wants to risk the walk on that wire ra onIy , those challenging the propriety acquired the same laws that legitimize those conveniences, to live in society for all and all, Acceptance to ask the same representation social PUBLICATION , then it generates the challenge as if they were made of its own relevance, sdoppiandos between the public and private sectors as alleged, but by his own act, it mixes the private to the public to know. To the point; If legitimacy of talent generated factors that stimulate the hidden fantasies, bringing the 'usual distance of sgua rdo want to perversion, approaching the eye to the hole Ch Erato lock, to spy on what the public has of his private character, it is appropriate or not to ask, If the hole of the lock is specially left unattended, so the perversion of sexual desire, add the perverse arrogance of those who want to challenge the rules, which are other cost rizione and ban? And it is this factor which, in chattering cries of ' indignation, in the hypocritical rhetoric of those who can not envy the manuf este solidarity only to be involved, and to draw transposition satisfied the tion , born other analysis and other expression to describe, to participate in the collective gaze, but not lustful or moralizing, but ironizzante and satirical, deridend is one of the factors that the facts, whether the individual reciting that all of the actors and spectators, who unconscious / mind paying to watch the petty states of who, defying the rules of walking a tightrope, to show that wants to change the rules only for himself, while others want to continue the forbidden, or lack of resources or a ra cultural values \u200b\u200bthat establish the boundaries of the permissible and the offense, democracy in which we grew up, or we already are, in to DEPRAVE / racy and CIARPAMERITO / cracy, which embryonic until the early 90s, thanks to sustained doses of vitamin foreign television, and spectacular talk shoo , is now grown in ' acquire also entitled to vote. and this factor, all dignity slips, every democratic values, in the ridiculous attitude of these values \u200b\u200bhas eluded them and despised; Worth respect to ? Worth understanding? Worth a duty? About respect, understanding , dignity, having represent a people, I enfatiz za worst sides in between cal comedy between legislative and Byzantine Macchiavelli personalizing reasons, making it a pariah among the democratic countries, and ridiculously ized other peoples. That is, if not the relief that already used in ancient times, they responded with the risat in the face, the ' enfantizzare the offender of all, to the derision participation in refigure the grotesque and the fanciful them beramente venting the noble art of satire here as a humble ????.. student I try to vent my fantasies, the characters and events that, in the other Paes make us the de Risio it, thanks to them.