Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sample Community Sponsorship Letter

carrot cake, chocolate and coconut

... Or carrot cake-chocolate-coconut. It looks inconspicuous, but it tastes like! Poetry, just poetry:) So we ate them quickly, that even I could not make a decent picture ... This is my next approach to the carrot cake (on the blog showed the first such cheesecake, orange-carrot , delicious!) And does not admit that this type of pastries very, very suit me. The carrot cake presented below has been combined with coconut and chocolate: a very successful list of flavors! Nothing, nos delicious:)

recipe comes the publication "Cioccolato", an addition to the monthly magazine "La Cucina del Corriere della Sera."


· 200 g flour
• 100 g grated coconut
· 150 g sugar
· 150 g grated carrots
• 100 g chocolate (milk or dark)
· 5 tablespoons sunflower oil
• 50 ml
milk • 3 eggs
· beans with half vanilla pod
• 1 teaspoon baking powder

very easy recipe: Mix all ingredients, except chocolate. Knead the dough (can be a mixer, add more milk if necessary!), Add chopped chocolate, mix, transfer to a greased and floured mold (I've used the classic keksówki). Bake about 30 minutes. at 180-200 ° C.


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