Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zippo Non Zippo Fluid

cause: Getting high .. does it hurt? or depends on the type of drugs?

now confirmed and drugs ... it hurts, but the drugs differ from each other There are feelings that give hallucinogenic drugs, and others that enhance both the fears of the mad courage, others leave you oncora that crashed into an illusory nirvana, or percezzioni extra increase bodily or mental, giving extension to the creative abilities of Subjects he make use. These are consecutive ateggiamenti the factor of quantity, or content psicotripo of drugs taken, but keep in mind that any substance you take, there are consequences, both physical and mental alteration in the balance of bodily and emotional capacity of percezzione Actually, I can argue that some drugs like cannabis, can also have narcotics objectives of the pain, CIE be curative for certain diseases, they rightly recognize the scientific value, as the very basis of many painkillers, is derived from morphine, which is in turn obtained the heroin, the same coca leaves are used by Andean peoples from Millennia and as the basis of food consumption, which has as (chewing the leaves), a natural resistance to energy, for those cold and mountainous regions. MA as there are legal drugs ... or indirectly been monopolized by them? How many new drugs that come from pharmaceutical companies for other medical uses, but then end up with slight variations, the drug sales in the market? Cigarettes, alcohol, anabolic painkillers, glue, or paint thinner, etc.. etc.. an infinite product category, scattered all over the world, although they spend billions and billions of $ or €, to counter this market, all run by criminal gangs in the world, fostered also been complacent, or forced to produce for their very survival; The costs of this war, impresionante, deaths from this war than every year, all the other wars in the world, deaths among those taking drugs, but also among produces and who disguises, dead Organizations and gang crime, to have the dominance of commercializazzione, thousands and thousands, whole territories are now sotomessi, too and economic and social system, entire states are seized of these criminals Organizations; the qualities to be countered, are spending figures, which when used for other things, eradicate hunger and disease in many parts of the world. Therefore we can say that the drugs is counterproductive to the individual who is state-owned enterprises, for both health and economic factors. Prohibition, has failed its current method, perhaps a more legislation oriented towards a consumer-controlled, would give more results, costs less but much less exorbitant cancellation, also economic advantage to the criminal mafias. But a esenziale not should be left out, drugs of any kind, if not measured correctly, leading addiction and mental and physical illnesses, recognizing the concept and related mental broadening. many other types of drugs, acting on the human psyche? drug ideological DRUGS; religious http://apocalisselaica.net/focus/notizie-scelte/20634-il-diavolo-veste-prada-no-il-papa Even in this case is undeniable that the psychological damage on many individuals, both ideologies, religions, if the extreme (abuse in quantity), bear, inherent in human beings and the search for the abstract, not palpable, the utopia, the consulate its desired run, when and how the theorizing, and a search of the mind, which goes beyond the living reality, almost a stimulus, a desire to have something more to achieve. PhotoLine not the natural limit imposed on the subject, and theorizes the historical memory in an eternal memory, or a spiritual hope, continuity in other respects of life. These mental factors in primitive human communities, it contestualizavano at certain times, with different cycles and the earth, the solar system, moon and stars, all that was visible but unreachable, or incomprehensible, was interpreted as a sign of superior beings, (Divinity), many times same actors, were themselves considereti by the gods toward the people, giving rise to the factors of first and priestly castes, while the story itself was walking in the evolution of human races, religions and power became a single body, the head of the people was designated heir as a descendant of the Divine, is at once high priest, given the time requiring the same religion, you've conquered peoples and sotomessi, so that the very basis of religion, was interpreted according to the will of the despotic ruler. The build temples and places of worship, was also consequential to the value that they wanted to demonstrate the power derived from the deity, the greater was the place of worship was the greatest power, that the deities lavished on sovereign before the people, whom the king Humanly PARTY, mentally you asogettava also have its symbolisms, I as often happens, is at the service of the deities, for the benefit it stemmed from the sovereign, personal interpretation or the wish. Evolution; that in the historical flow, for its own operation, required equipment and systems pyramid for control over the nations, of different peoples, and they can not always check only by force, is generated doctrinal rules, which were not against a persuasive 'highlighted by the power authority, but against intangible u'autorità protetrice of power, but much more powerful and vindictive in the wrongs that were made; asogettazione The mind of the people, the interpretations of the divine desire, either by the priestly caste, which by state powers, was a continuous execution of offenders, by contrast, most of rebellion against the sovereign and is not real obedience to religious rules, the same one people belonging to a different creed, when this people was sotomesso, also implied the sotomissione have religious obedience, otherwise the weapon destruction and massacres were persuasive ... But at the bottom of it all, is simplified with the obvious power play, domination of man by man, centuries and centuries of psychological processing, the desired, within the framework of certain dogmatic rules, influence and affect the minds and force generation psychic alteration, DNA and became a traditional, A people's identity card, even if divided into different territories, it is recognized in the belief of a deity, but with the rules of usual priestly caste system, which in its historical path, prevailed even over the kings, rulers divvenendo in turn, not with leggiferando concezzione of state, but with the same rules of dogmatic religious belief, weighting the psychological burden of the people , marking the psyche of an inevitability than desired the same reason, fearing punishment materially land, even if those inspired by the divine. The discussion should continue in a more detailed, more specific historical divisions and dotting in time, but considering that a minimum of knowledge the reader has to make his interpretations, I start to closing, to establish itself in yesterday as today , religions and divides contrast, in the interpretation of the deity, both by tradition, that old and new vision. In this war, the actions are no less bloody than those that occur between the criminal gangs to divide an area, killing people of other faiths (other band), corruption or complicity with the powers in the same state for territorial control, transformation of the laws, both in favor, in imposing the constant dogmas which stand them in power, or elsewhere are the same power, as both state law as dogmatic, fearful stories of periods, with assogettazione forced people in the creed of conquerors, leading to the extermination assogettabili not because of another faith, and all set and done in the name of God, the conqueror, although many times, hiding behind that name is the only predator of man power, that does not renounce conquest of populations that are religiously equal, with the protection and well-deserving neutrality, religious apparatus similar. All played with conviction and exaltation, to excuse fideistic, as if a perpetual drip of drugs, toxins injected with mental psyche, altering the reasons, the instincts of the emotions, enhancing the delegate I believe God, the instincts of predation on duty believed God, emptied their feelings, to prevail by force the desired asogetta all that, I believe in the one. Transforming the Human mind, his being human material, a change in behavior similar to the drug addict, who fears not for drug use, but because the drug can fail, because now the drug becomes the single stimulus of the field, so to many acts, the concept of religion, the fear of not finding what you want spiritual, which by now is generational DNA in mental fear that is caused, or by differences of faith or behavior, of those who believe or not believe in another, but physically as their lives, and then to overcome this fear, we want to impose equality of thought and behavior, possibly in compliance with the dogma that the priestly caste, says deriving from the divine. CONCLUSION: if they are believers, be part of a religion, it generates the same systems or problems of those who make use of drugs, creates the same factors as gangs clash Traficante drug apliccano, destroying lives and society, for the acquisition of power and money, dividing peoples and states where the essereUman or there, what prevents me reason to ask for the same consequential act, no systematic barriers to the use of religion?. Or alternatively regulate its use, so if they eliminate the abuse, which destroys like drugs, the psyche of human beings.


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