Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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anxiety disorder due to a condition general medical

As with most other syndromes (eg, psychosis, and early symptoms mood disorders), the anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition was included in the relevant section to promote the development and consideration of a complete differential diagnosis.

Epidemiology. The symptoms of anxiety related to general medical conditions is common, although the incidence of the disease varies for each specific medical condition ge eral.
Etiology . A wide range of medical conditions can cause symptoms similar to Sare those observed in both disorders also. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism and vitamin deficiency B12 fre you are associated with anxiety symptoms. A pheochromocytoma secretes adrenaline, which can cause episodes of paroxysmal symptoms of anxiety. It is believed that some brain injuries and were posten cefalitici determine symptoms identical to those observed in obsessive - compulsive . Some other medical condi tions, such as cardiac arrhythmia, can produce physiological symptoms of panic disorder. Hypoglycemia can also mimic the symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The various medical conditions that cause symptoms of anxiety disorder may do so through a common mechanism, the noradrenergic system , although the effects on the serotonergic system are currently under investigation.

diagnosis. The diagnosis of DSM-IV anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition required the presence of symptoms of an anxiety disorder. The DSM-IV allows the doctor to specify whether the disorder is characterized by Zato symptoms of generalized anxiety, panic attacks or obsessive-compulsive symptoms .

The physician should have an increased level of suspicion to the diagnosis when anxiety is associated with chronic or paroxysmal a physical illness that is a known cause of such symptoms in some patients. Bursts of paroxysmal hypertension in a patient anxious it may indicate that it is appropriate to seek a pheochromocytoma. Generates a medical examination can reveal diabetes, an adrenal tumor, but a thyroid disease or a neurological condition. For example, some people with epilepsy have complex partial epi firm of extreme anxiety or fear as the only manifestation of seizure activity.

Clinical features. Symptoms of anxiety disorder do vuto to a general medical condition may be identical to those of primary anxiety disorders. Like syndrome disorder Panic is the most common clinical picture, while a syndrome similar to the three phobia is less common.


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