Saturday, April 17, 2010

Whats Better Nuts On Clark Or Garretts?

Fear and anxiety

Anxiety is a signal to alert: a warning of imminent danger im, and allows the person to take measures to address a threat.

Fear, which is a similar warning should be differentiated from.

Fear manifests itself in response to a known threat, external, adopted or otherwise non-confrontational in origin, the anxiety is manifested in response to an unknown threat, internal, vague or conflictual in origin.

The distinction between fear and anxiety arose by chance.

The first translator of Freud mistakenly translated the word angst and fear in German, such as anxiety. Freud himself generally unaware of the distinction that the anxiety associated with an object and repressed unconscious and fear to an external object and known. The distinction may be difficult to do, that fear can also be due to an internal object, the unconscious, repressed projected onto another object in the world do outside.

Nevertheless, based on post-Freudian psychoanalytic formulations, the separation between fear and anxiety is justifiable from the psychological point of view. The main

. psychological difference between the emotional responses of fear is the acuity and chronicity of anxiety.

Charles Darwin pointed out that the word fear comes from words that indicate what is sudden and dangerous. The term also appears to be vital in neurophysiological phenomena of anxiety and fear.

In 1896, Darwin made the following description if a fear of acute psychophysiological finante with terror:

Fear is often preceded by astonishment, and so like this I mean that both the sense of sight and learning are immediately aroused. In both cases the eyes and mouth are wide open and eyebrows raised. The frightened man at first stands like a statue motionless holding his breath or lies down instinctively how to escape observation. The heart beats quickly and violently in order to beat or beating against my ribs, but it is very doubtful that it works more effectively than normal in order to send a larger amount of blood to all parts of the body because the skin becomes pale suddenly as for an impending loss of consciousness. Pal value, however, this surface is probably due, in large part or all of the fact that the vasomotor center is affected in such a way as to cause the contraction of small arteries skin. The fact that the skin is very interested in a great fear shown by the wonderful and inexplicable manner in which it occurs immediate ly sweating. This sweating is all the more remarkable because the skin surface in this case is cold, hence the term cold sweat, and sweat glands are nor mally induced action when the surface is hot. Even the hairs are erected and the superficial muscles shiver. In connection with the impaired action of the heart, the breathing is hurried. The salivary glands act imperfectly, the mouth becomes dry and is frequently opened and closed. I also noticed that due to a slight fear there is a strong tendency to yawn king. One of the most characteristic symptom is a tremor of the muscles of the body and this is often seen from his lips. Because of this and the dryness of the mouth, the voice becomes husky or indistinct, or may fail altogether ...
As the fear grows into terror you give us, as in all the violent emotions, different results. The CuO King beating in a violent way or causing a svenimen to be missing and there is a deathly pallor, breathing is labored, his nostrils are latate and there is a movement gasping and feverish lips, a tremor of the cheeks and continuous movements of swallowing, the eyes are not covered by the lids and rims shall be set to sull'ogget of terror, or they can rotate continuously from side to side. The pupils are said to be greatly expanded. All mu drains the body may become rigid or give rise to minds convulsive movements. The hands are alternately open and close, often with a contortion. The arms are outstretched, as if to avoid some terrible danger, or be troubled on his head ... In other cases there is a sudden and uncontrollable tendency to stampede, and this is so strong that more soldiers co raggiosi can be captured by sudden panic attacks.


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