Friday, April 23, 2010

Does A Cavalry Scout Have To Wear A Cavalry Hat?

biological theories: psychoanalytic theory

Although Freud originally believed that anxiety resulted from a physiological increase libido, in the end he redefined 'anxiety as a signal in the range of the conscious presence of a hazard.

Anxiety was seen as the result of a psychic conflict between unconscious desires of a sexual or aggressive and the corresponding threats from the superego or external reality. In response to this signal, the ego mobilizes the defense mechanisms to prevent unacceptable thoughts and feelings emerge into consciousness. In his classic work

Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, Freud says that "it is the anxiety that causes the repression and not, as previously believed, repression which pro duce anxiety." One of the negative consequences to consider the symptom of anxiety as a disorder rather than as a signal that the underlying sources of anxiety can be ignored.

one psychodynamic perspective, the goal of therapy is not necessarily eliminate all the anxiety, but to improve the tolerance of anxiety itself, ie the ability to feel the anxiety by using it as a signal to investigate the underlying conflict that caused it.

with anxiety seems in response to various situations during the life cycle and an attempt to eliminate it by means psychopharmacological can do nothing to address the existential situation or its related internal and led the state of anxiety.

To fully understand the anxiety of a particular patient is often useful to think in terms of a hierarchy of development which links the source of anxiety to development issues.

the most primitive level, this can be an anxiety of disintegration. This anxiety may derive either from fear of losing their sense of self or its know boundaries through the merger with an object, or by concern that the ego fragments because others do not respond with the necessary confirmation and validation.

On one level a bit 'higher anxiety or paranoid persecution can be linked to the perception that a person is likely to be invaded and set aside by a malevolent outside force.

A more advanced source of anxiety is less of a problem, but a child may be anxious for fear of losing the love or approval of a parent or a beloved object.

castration anxiety, related to the Oedipus phase in boys development, concerns the fear against a vengeful parent figure, usually the father, which damages the genitals or otherwise cause physical damage.

At the most mature, the 'superego anxiety is explained as related to guilt for the failure to live up to internalized models derived from the default behavior of parents.

Often a psychodynamic interview can clarify the main level of anxiety that goes against the patient to face.

Some form of anxiety is obviously related to multiple conflicts at various levels of development.


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