Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mandatory Overtimephilippines

panic disorder: diagnostic criteria

Panic disorder: diagnostic criteria

The DSM-IV contains two diagnostic criteria for panic disorder, agoraphobia, one without and one with agoraphobia, but both require the presence of panic attacks, as shown in Table visible in the post: Diagnosis of Panic Attacks .

AlCu ni population studies have indicated that the attacks pa nico are frequent and a bit of the main aspects in the development of diagnostic criteria for panic disorder has been the determination of a threshold value or frequency of panic attacks to meet the diagnosis. A threshold too low

knows favors a diagnosis of panic disorder in patients without functional alteration following an occasional panic attack, too high a threshold results in a situation where patients who are disturbed by their attacks Panic not meet the diagnostic criteria.

The uncertainty in the determination of threshold is marked by the range of thresholds included in the diagnostic criteria for us. The Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) requires six panic attacks in a period of six weeks .

The tenth revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) requires three attacks in three weeks (moderate disease) or four attacks in four weeks (for severe disease).

The DSM-IV does not specify a number to me synonymous with panic attacks or a period, but requires that at least one attack is followed by a period of at least one month during which the patient is afraid of having another panic attack or is concerned about the implications of AT heel, or a significant change of behavior.

The DSM-IV also requires that panic attacks are generally unexpected, but it also attacks expected or prepared by the situation.

Table: diagnostic criteria for panic disorder without agoraphobia


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