Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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induced Factors in organic substances

The substances that trigger panic (sometimes called panicogene) are substances that induce panic attacks in most patients with panic disorder and a lower proportion of subjects sen za or without panic disorder history of panic attacks .

The use of substances that induce panic is closely mitato them to research, there are clinical reasons to stimulate panic attacks in patients.

The so-called panic-inducing substances cause a respiratory respiratory stimulation and a shift in ' acid-base balance, they include carbon dioxide (mixture 5 to 35%), lactate and sodium bicarbonate. The

neurochemicals that induce panic, which act through specific neurotransmitter systems, including yohimbine, an adrenergic receptor antagonist, fenfluramine, a releasing agent serotonin, chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP), a substance with multiple effects serotonergic drugs μ-carbolines, inverse agonists of GABAB receptors, flumazenil, an antagonist of GABAB receptors, cholecystokinin and caffeine. Although isoproterenol is a substance that causes the panic, although the mechanism of action is unknown.

substances that cause respiratory panic may initially act on the peripheral cardiovascular baroreceptors and release their signal from vagal afferents to the nucleus of the solitary tract nucleus paragigantocellulare and then to the bulb.

The panic-inducing neurochemicals exert presumably their primary effects directly on the central noradrenergic receptors, serotonergic and GABAergic.


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